oh dear, a slip, losing a child to 'big school' and tom isn't doing very well for my diet today!! Ive eaten a few badies today...and NO bike ride,,Im annoyed about that the most, thats for sure, I will be going in the morning, with or without the husband. He gets a bit lazy sometimes and then other times he's all for it and pushing me out the door, can't keep up!!
Isn't it amazing how you can go great guns and then BANG, something just slips and you fall back, dare I say 'off the wagon', man, I have said it before, Im so sick of this battle, its so easy in theory, eat healthy clean food, nothing processed, or out of a packet, drink plenty of water, blah fucking blah, sick of hearing it, sick of reading it, yada yada yada!! Ive finished the Susan Powter book, well nearly and she has some valid points maybe, Im yet to try them, but the thought of eating heaps of the good stuff even raises red flags to me?? She is telling me to work at my intensity level and everything will just 'follow' hmmm, im undecided on that one to, I would think I would need to go like a bat outta hell and work up a huge sweat to make a difference. Ive done that and thats when I found some shape in this body of mine!!
She also says enjoy the 'process', hmm again, not liking that point, I don't want to know myself fat and unfit, but I do regret not taking a photo in my bikini at 81kilos!! Imagine that!
oh I wish I wish I wish I hadda!! I think that's what she means tho, embrace the changes and really revell in them, like really remember when you were at your heaviest and remember you don't want to be there again? I know I certainly won't ever be 80+kilos again.
They say you need to visualize yourself where you want to be, hmm again, Im having trouble with this one, I want to see myself thin and slim and no tummy, another thing she mentions that I enjoyed reading, the stomach- she says, (Susan), that of course you can train the muscles underneath, but you need to lose all the fat before you can see them, well yes I realize this, but she says..I'll just go and find it...
that stuff hanging off your stomach is fat. The only thing that is going to burn that fat off your stomach and the rest of your body is aerobic activity. It will burn off- ..there is no way on earth that you will sill have fat hanging from your stomach at 15, 17, 19- 20% body fat, have increased your lean muscle mass and are lean and strong and healthy. Think about it. Are you going to be lean everywhere but your stomach? Nope, not possible. It will burn off your stomach just the way it burns off everywhere else.
So that was from her book and yes I have some hope that she is telling the truth, but that flies out the window when I eat crap and then feel sorry for myself, this I find pathetic, so I will put it behind me and move forward and concentrate on the new day in the morning and keep going just as everyone else has to:)
the end *poking tounge!*hehe
I love the look of this new blog! Too fun - you make me wanna go and update mine!! :)
well i spose it all worked for her (susan) so theres gotta be somthing to it yes?
i hope your little one enjoyed school!
Hope the little one had an awesome day at school.
Christine- I know!! don't you just love Pyzam!!:)
Shaddow- Susan is definalty high energy!! Mikayla loved it:)
Cat-She did, made lots of friends!!
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