Sunday, April 6, 2008

So close

So close but still so far away! Ivecome to the realization that Im almost at my ideal weight, well nearly, all my old clothes are bigger than they have ever been, but Im still not a neat size 12, Im putting it down to the fact that Im tall? I know people that are around 70kilos and they are a size 12, nup, not me, Im about a 13, but there is no such size, so 14 it is? Some 12's but mostly 14, least Im out of my 16-18...ewww

So this morning I loved the scales, 66.8 and thats only 1.8 off 65, so close I tell ya..but that will go up cause Im unwell with no appitite, so no food is tasting worthwhile, love it tho, I only have a sore throat and Im greatfull Im not sick sick, but anyway..not hungry and thats the main thing eh?

I still hate my tummy, but Im really the only one who sees it naked and my hubby doesn't count! but i accept it so im getting better! if i was all obsessed with fitness like in the past i could improve it no doubt a little but im not so i accept the consequences.


Cheryl said...

Em You have done so well. You are tall so you cant get too thin.

Nearly said...

Cheryl- watch me!!!! lol,na just joking!! I know I won't get to thin, I love my food too much!