Monday, February 18, 2008

Day 2- weight-68kilos

Down 200grams already, and down 600grams since weig in!! WooHoo!
Maybe tomorow I will be in the 67's??

Day 2 and I had a great day yesterday so Im thinking today will be great too!


Egg and toast






Im having the shakes a bit differently today, only cause Im out and I don't want to starve or run outta

Im pretty positive I will be in the 67's this Saturday, I will weigh everyday and see my progress, or not, either way! I think I will do shakes one week and then points the next, cause how many times have you seen and heard that people have done TF or Herbalife and the minute they eat 'real' food again they pile the weight on??? Not me!! Taking it week about should be OK.

My hairdresser has been on Tony Ferguson and she lost a lot of weight, but she went off it over Xmas and put 5kilos on very quickly, surprise surprise!

I saw something a bit grose yesterday at the school, a mother came up to pick her kid up and she picked up her school bag and checked for the lunchbox, well she ate some grapes...ewww, these bags are outside!!! ewwww, She is a fattish lady too, it makes me sad to see really fat ladies, like this one, she is pretty large and I just feel sorry for her, you can see she even looks sad in her eyes, Im sure she's not happy with herself. I used to put on a brave face and pretend I was always happy and sure of myself, anyway, they have to help themselves hey?

Have a fantastic day!!!!

P.S- who is my visitor from Japan????


Cheryl said...

Hey Miss E, When I lived in Tassie, I had a friend who was very overweight. As soon as he kids got home from school, she checked out what was left and ate it and the same with her husbands.
Made me sick! I was overweight at the sametime too.

Fi said...

OK that would be me, Fi and apologies for not introducing myself sooner. I'm actually from NZ but live here with my Japanese hub and 11 year old Dd. Can't remember where I blog hopped from but your determination and attitude to lose weight impressed me so I've just kept on reading. Hope you don't've made such great progress! Anyway...sorry for being such a lurker. Have a great day....I migth just steal your meal plan for the day too...sounds good!

Nearly said...

Cheryl- eewww, grose huh!! I don't even eat the kids leftovers at dinner time!!

Fi- Hi there!!!! Wow, Japan must be an exciting place!! Well Im glad you delurked:)